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Public lighting requests

The public lighting network in our municipality is managed by CitiPower, Jemena, Department of Transport and City of Melbourne. Find out how to request new public lighting or alterations during construction works.

Two people walking along the bridge to flinder street station with the city skyline lit up by lights

Electricity distribution companies CitiPower and Jemena own approximately 12,000 and 800 lights respectively on their unmetered networks within the City of Melbourne. We own approximately 3000 public lights connected to metered supply. Each authority is responsible for the operation, maintenance and replacement of their own lights.

We are responsible for making decisions about public lighting on local roads. Our consent is required by Citipower or Jemena to make alterations to public lighting connected to unmetered networks on local roads.  

The Department of Transport and the City of Melbourne are jointly responsible for making decisions about public lighting on arterial roads, so both authorities’ consent is required for public lighting alterations on these roads. For Department of Transport consent, please refer to their website for more information. CitiPower or Jemena will require consent from both parties before proceeding further.  

We are solely responsible for making decisions about our lights connected to a metered supply. Any alteration requests should be reviewed and consented to by us.

Request new public lighting

Our municipality is experiencing significant growth which requires the provision of safe and functional road infrastructure. The City of Melbourne can influence the provision of public lighting through the development planning process. Planning permit conditions may require you to improve existing or provide new public lighting as part of development works.  

When you need to prepare a lighting design as part of a new development or requirements of a town planning permit, we recommend you to review our Public Lighting Strategy 2021 and Lighting Guidelines.

We will need a public lighting design, including lux contour plots, prepared and certified by qualified lighting consultants, for both the current and proposed public lighting systems, for our review.

Request alterations to public lighting

As part of your building or road construction works you may need to request temporary or permanent alterations to the public lighting system.  

Public lighting system include:

  • lighting poles
  • pole or wall mounted brackets and luminaires
  • overhead or underground cables
  • wall mounted or underground conduits, switchboards and junction boxes  
  • electrical cabinets
  • electrical pits.

The public lighting system can be metered or unmetered.

Metered public lighting assets are owned by the City of Melbourne.  

There are two types of unmetered public lighting assets:  

  • Non-contestable, unmetered public lighting assets owned, operated, and maintained by electricity distribution companies, either CitiPower/Powercor or Jemena.
  • Public lighting assets connected to a non-contestable, unmetered 2-amp point of supply, owned, operated, and maintained by us.

Consent from the City of Melbourne is required to alter public lighting assets, regardless of ownership. 

A map showing which areas of Melbourne each lighting provider is responsible for

View larger map (PDF 794KB)

How to apply

You can request for alteration of public lighting by sending your request to us by email:​.

We may request further information and arrange a joint site meeting with you, the responsible authority and the distributor.  

The application process can take up to 15 business days. Please note that the application process might be delayed due to the absence of the required information. We might request you to provide a security bond prior to the issue of our approval.  

There is no cost associated with the application process. 

Existing public street lighting must not be altered without first obtaining the written approval of the responsible authority: Infrastructure Design, City of Melbourne.  

Before we provide our consent to your request, we must ensure that the following three aspects have been addressed in the interest of public safety:

  1. Continuity of supply to the rest of the public lights connected to the same circuit.
  2. Provision of temporary lighting throughout the duration of the construction project.  
  3. Reinstating public lighting assets and making them operational once the project has been completed.

You need to agree to the following conditions before we can issue a letter of consent for requested alterations to the public lighting assets. 

  1. All costs associated with the removal, reinstatement, or relocation of public lighting assets, as well as the design and installation of temporary lighting, shall be borne by you.
  2. Continuity of supply to the other public lights in the same circuit shall be maintained.
  3. Temporary lighting:
    1. Temporary lighting shall be designed to provide illumination at the locations affected by the removal of the existing lights, ensuring that the lighting levels are not lower than the existing levels.
    2. A temporary lighting design including lux contour plot for both the existing public lights and the proposed temporary lights shall be submitted to us.
    3. Once the temporary lighting design has been accepted by us, it shall be installed and made operational from the date of removal of existing public lighting assets.
    4. The temporary lighting system and its switching system shall comply with relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and electrical safety requirements. 
    5. Temporary lighting shall not be removed until such time the public lighting assets are reinstated and made operational by the electricity distribution company.
    6. City of Melbourne officers will monitor the operation of temporary lighting at affected locations. If necessary, they may direct you to install additional lights or make further improvements. 
  4. Removal of public lighting assets:
    1. All work associated with alterations to the existing public lighting assets shall only be undertaken by the electricity distribution company or its approved contractors.  
    2. If Citipower wishes for the nonstandard lighting assets to be removed by others, you should contact our Public Lighting Maintenance Service Provider, High Access Cabling, to obtain an offer for the removal and reinstatement of the nonstandard assets.  
  5. Reinstatement of public lighting assets:
    1. All public lighting assets temporarily removed or altered to facilitate construction works shall be reinstated once the need for removal or alteration has ceased
    2. New or replacement wall-mounted street lights should be connected to a metered or a 2 Amp point of supply installed in public space.
    3. If the lights to be reinstated require metered or 2 Amp supply, you should engage our Public Lighting Maintenance Service Provider, High Access Cabling, to install lighting assets and manage the process of installing a meter or a 2 Amp supply point.
    4. As soon as the need for alteration to public lighting assets ceases, you shall contact Citipower/Powercor, Jemena or High Access Cabling to arrange reinstatement of the permanent street lighting solution.
    5. We may request you to provide a security bond prior to the issuance of our approval.
    6. We will access funds available in the security bond to reinstate the street lighting assets in the event of failure to honour your obligations.
  6. Any damage caused to civil infrastructure assets, such as roads, footpaths, kerb, channels, outdoor furniture, signage, etc., shall be reinstated to meet the our standards and to the satisfaction of the Infrastructure Assets.
  7. If you are unable to meet any of the above conditions, you are required to inform us immediately. 
Non-contestable unmetered public lighting

Following our approval and issue of a letter of consent for altering public lighting system on the non-contestable unmetered public lighting network, you need to contact the responsible electricity distributor, CitiPower/Powercor or Jemena, to undertake the alterations. The works are undertaken at the applicant’s cost. 

Metered or unmetered 2 Amp point of supply

Following our approval and issue of a letter of consent for altering public lighting system on an unmetered 2 Amp point of supply or metered network, you need to engage our Public Lighting Maintenance Service Provider, to carry out the works. You need to cover all costs associated with alterations to public lighting including provision of temporary lighting and reinstatement of permanent lighting. 

You need to provide your contact details (name, position, address, email and phone number) and contact details of the contractor responsible for the works.  

As part of your application, you will also need to attach supporting documents that may include:  

  • brief description of the project
  • site plan showing the scope of the works associated with changes to public lighting
  • street lighting design for the reinstatement of Council’s street lighting assets
  • design for temporary lighting
  • lux plots for existing, temporary and permanent lighting certified by a suitably qualified lighting consultant.  

Your designs must be drawn to scale and show the extent of the opening or excavation on the footpath or road.  

You should include a copy of a memorandum issued by Infrastructure Development if you have one. 

For road works, you may need to obtain consent for works (road works) from the responsible road and power authority. 


You are responsible for arranging permanent reinstatement of public lighting and road infrastructure (e.g. road, footpath, kerb, channel, outdoor furniture, signage, etc.) impacted by the works.  

At the completion of the reinstatement of public lighting you need to provide a notification to us. Please provide notification at and include a reference to the case number and location address.  

As-built documentation 

As part of the handover process you need to provide:

  • as-built drawings in AutoCad and PDF formats including Lux levels plan, dimensional site plan showing location of electrical conduits, electrical pits and the point of power supply, elevations and construction details (all levels to Australian Height Datum)
  • Certificate of Electrical Safety
  • details of the lighting system, including technical specification, part numbers and supplier contact details
  • warranty details for all items covered by a manufacturer’s or supplier’s warranty
  • notification procedure in-case of claims under the defects liability period
  • an inventory list of all Council’s assets constructed as part of the project with quantities and construction dates. 

Related pages

Public Lighting Strategy 2021

Direction for public and private external lighting throughout the municipality.

Consent for works (road works)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To dig or install a service in the road reserve, you must get our consent.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.