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Neighbourhood houses

Neighbourhood houses welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to participate in free or low-cost social, educational, recreational and support activities. 

Two women sit with one another, laughing together. One woman holds a mug.

Neighbourhood houses are independent community organisations governed by a volunteer committee of management, and guided by the following principles:  

  • community ownership
  • community participation
  • access and equity
  • empowerment
  • life-long learning
  • social action
  • advocacy
  • networking
  • inclusion
  • self-help.  

In keeping with our commitment to being a city for people, the City of Melbourne partners with neighbourhood houses across the municipality through the Community Grants and Partnerships FrameworkOpens in new tab.

How do I get involved?

Visit a neighbourhood house in the City of Melbourne to connect, learn and contribute to local communities through activities, events, classes and volunteering opportunities.

Neighbourhood houses are about meeting people, having fun, building skills, and celebrating culture and diversity. 

Visit a neighbourhood house

Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre

20 Princes St, Carlton North

The Centre

58 Errol Street, North Melbourne

Kensington Neighbourhood House

89 McCracken St, Kensington

North Melbourne Language and Learning

33 Alfred Street, North Melbourne

Docklands Neighbourhood House

4 Wharf Street, The District, Docklands

Neighbourhood house locations and contact details

Neighbourhood house collaboration statement

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.