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Pests and offensive odours

Odours and smells are an unfortunate part of living in any major city. Pests can also be an issue as they carry disease. An infestation of pests can be a health and safety hazard for you and your neighbours.

Report a pest or odour issue

You can use the forms below to report a pest or odour issue in the municipality that risks public health, including: 

  • odours from a neighbouring property or public place, including chemical fumes or burning off
  • an infestation of rodents, pests, or birds in food premises or public space.

If the matter is urgent, please call the EPA 24-hour helpline: 1300 372 842.

Report a public health issue

This includes:

  • an odour issue in a public space
  • odours coming a neighbouring property
  • a pest control issue in a food premises.
Report Opens in new tab

Report a pest control issue in a public space

Report Opens in new tab
Track the progress of an existing reported issue.
Enter report reference number field is required.


You can contact City of Melbourne to report an infestation of rodents, pests, or birds that risk public health in public spaces or food premises located in the municipality.

We do not undertake pest control on private or commercial properties and can't provide or recommend specific pest control services. Contact businesses listed under pest control in the Yellow PagesOpens in new tab to help with the eradication of significant infestations on private or commercial properties.

For information on household and commercial pesticide use, view the pest control informationOpens in new tab published by the Department of Health.


Residents with a possum in their roof are permitted to trap the possum but the animal must be released at sunset on the same day within 50 metres of the capture site.

Odours and fumes

Bad smells from blocked drains, fumes, compost and rubbish can cause a nuisance to neighbours and, if severe, can also affect our health.

Smoke can cause a nuisance to neighbours and interfere with their day-to-day life. If severe enough, it can also affect people's health.

To help minimise the health and safety impact of smoke, the City of Melbourne does not allow the incineration of waste material or vegetation (burning off) anywhere in the municipality. Contained fire pits are permitted for occasional use if burning only well-seasoned, dry timber. Residents are asked to be considerate of other residents when deciding the location of the fire pit in relation to neighbouring properties. This includes being aware of any open windows and washing as well as wind direction, timing, duration and frequency of use as all these factors may cause a nuisance.

In addition, all wood-fired heaters must comply with the Building Code of Australia or the Australian Standard for wood-fired heaters.

Lighting fires of any kind on days of total fire ban are not permitted. Refer to Fire Rescue VictoriaOpens in new tab for information about fire danger ratings and total fire bans.

Odour complaints and contacts

If you are experiencing undesirable odours coming from a neighbouring property or a public place, you can report the issue to City of Melbourne.

An Environmental Health Officer will be assigned to investigate your complaint. You may be required to maintain an Odour log sheet (DOCX 86 KB) | (PDF 82 KB) for two weeks.

If the problem is caused by smoke, fumes, or odours from industry, contact the Environment Protection Authority on 1300 372 842 or visit EPA VictoriaOpens in new tab. See below for the best organisations to contact for different types of odours.

Type of enquiryOrganisationPhone number
Blocked stormwater drainsCity of Melbourne9658 9658 (24 hours)
Blocked sewersCity West Water (north of the Yarra River)1800 132 642 (freecall) or 13 92 837
Blocked sewers​South East Water (south of the Yarra River)139 283 (24 hours)
Smoke, fumes and odours from industryEPA Information Centre1300 372 842
Smoke, fumes and odours from residential propertyCity of Melbourne9658 8831 or 9658 8815

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.