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Child safety

City of Melbourne is committed to being a child safe organisation and has zero tolerance for child abuse.

A young child plays with wooden toys by herself on a wooden table.

We create environments where all children have a voice and are listened to, their views are respected and they contribute to how we plan for, design and develop our services and activities.

We are committed to:

  1. Preventing child abuse occurring within our services, programs and facilities.
  2. Creating an organisational culture of child safety
  3. Setting clear expectations of employees, volunteers and contractors to what is required to keep children safe.
  4. Ensuring employees, volunteers and contractors are clear about their responsibilities when they suspect abuse of a child.
  5. Ensuring all suspected abuse is reported and fully investigated.

Information sharing with other organisations

Where necessary, we share information with other government authorities and organisations under the Family Violence Information SchemeOpens in new tab to promote children’s wellbeing and safety. This helps us to assess and manage family violence risk and create a more integrated system that responds to the needs of children, families and the wider community. 

If you are an information sharing entity and wish to make a request for information from City of Melbourne, please complete the Family Violence and Child Information Sharing request form and return to

Child Safe Standards

The 11 Child Safe Standards are:

  • Child Safe Standard 1 – Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
  • Child Safe Standard 2 – Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
  • Child Safe Standard 3 – Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
  • Child Safe Standard 4 – Families and communities are informed, and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
  • Child Safe Standard 5 – Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 6 – People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
  • Child Safe Standard 7 – Processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
  • Child Safe Standard 8 – Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
  • Child Safe Standard 9 – Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
  • Child Safe Standard 10 – Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
  • Child Safe Standard 11 – Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.

The City of Melbourne has identified our work implementing the Child Care Standards as an improvement piece with further actions to be implemented.

If you have any questions relating to the Child Safe Standards, please contact the Child Safe Coordinator on 03 9658 9658.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.