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Startups and innovation

Learn how we support startup businesses and innovation in our city.

Two people inspecting a city model

Melbourne is the ideal location to start your business.

It has an established, diverse and educated workforce, world-class universities and strong government support. Our startup community is dynamic and collaborative with a strong social purpose.

Quick facts on Melbourne’s startup ecosystem

  • Melbourne is home to a number of startup sectors, including Life Sciences and Biotech, Fintech, Saas, AI, Blockchain and advanced manufacturing.
  • Melbourne University, Australia's highest ranked university - as well as number of globally recognised universities all have campuses in the city.
  • Five of Australia's largest medical research institutes are located in the city, along with several research and innovation initiatives.
  • Our early-stage startup value has more than doubled in a year - up 126% to $23.6B (AUD).
  • Melbourne’s startup ecosystem has surpassed peer ecosystems in Hong Kong, Dublin, Barcelona and Kuala Lumpur. 
  • Early stage funding in Victoria has increased by more than 50% in year, to $1.136B (AUD) 

Source: Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2022Opens in new tab

[Text on screen: Philip Le Liu. Councillor, City of Melbourne.]

[Cr Philip Le Liu] It's no overstatement to say that a redeveloped Fishermans Bend will transform Melbourne.

[Text on screen: Bryn Davies. Manager, Fishermans Bend Innovation and Economy. Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions.]

[Bryn Davies] There was an open innovation challenge that the City of Melbourne sent out there. Basically asking participants of the city how could you better imagine a future for Fishermans Bend that uses data and sensors and analysis of the public realm to make a better city. And now, a shortlisted amount of concepts and ideas have worked on their pitches further and they're pitching them back to the public to vote on which ones they'd like to see implemented in the real world so it's a really interesting time to transition from concepts to actual projects.

[Amira Moshinsky] A prototype of a recycled material rain garden that is viable anywhere in Fisherman's Bend.

[Text on screen: Amira Moshinsky. Pilot finalist, Recycled material raingardens, University of Melbourne.]

[Amira Moshinsky] I'm really excited about the opportunity. I've never presented at a pitch type event like this before. It's really amazing the City of Melbourne is putting on events like this hearing different voices and getting ideas from different people from all backgrounds and it's exciting to be shaping the future of what Fishermans Bend, on what a large suburban Melbourne will be like.

[Text on screen: Shereen Amin. Idea finalist, Data Flows, ExCx.]

[Shereen Amin] Fishermans Bend is Australia's largest urban renewal project and will evolve significantly in the coming years. So our idea is to collect data related to water management and visualize it in public space using digital lighting effects.

[Text on screen: Ben Kolaitis. Emerging Technology Team Leader, Creative City, City of Melbourne.]

[Ben Kolaitis] The fact that this is an area that's looking for mass development and Melbourne itself is really keen to jump into this space. I'm curious to see the solutions. I think being solution focused is really important. And I think being able to strike conversations and talk about where we can go and how we can live is important for our future.

[Overlay on screen showing City of Melbourne, Victorian Government logos, and various company logos.]

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Opportunities for startups and innovators


Established by the Victorian Government to fuel the growth of Victoria’s startup ecosystem.

Startup Victoria

National community of startup founders.

RMIT Activator

RMIT's program to expand venture creation and building founder talent.


HEX Innovation Programs help with creating startups and building leaders.

Hatch Quarter

Supporting innovation across diverse markets and cultures.

Melbourne Connect

Purpose-built innovation precinct located at the heart of the Melbourne Biomedical precinct.

Startup Playbook for migrants and refugees

Helping international entrepreneurs excel in startup journeys in Victoria.

The Entrepreneur Club Melbourne

Community of early stage entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants.

iGen Foundation

Empowering youth, migrants and regional communities' socioeconomically through entrepreneurship and innovation

The Melbourne Accelerator Program

Australia's leading university startup accelerator.

Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship

Centre for entrepreneurial training to accelerate learning, creation and start-ups.  

CSIRO Kick-Start

Initiative for innovative Australian start-ups and small businesses.

The Startup Network

National community of diverse startup founders.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.