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Amendment C417: Macaulay Urban Renewal Precinct

The Macaulay Urban Renewal Precinct Amendment C417 proposes to implement the land use and built form outcomes in the Macaulay Structure Plan 2021. The Amendment has been lodged with the Minister for Planning for authorisation and a determination is pending.

About the Amendment

The Macaulay urban renewal precinct is located approximately two kilometres north-west of the central city and covers 90 hectares of land within the suburbs of North Melbourne and Kensington. The precinct is also directly north of the Arden urban renewal precinct and the new Arden Station which is part of the Metro Tunnel Project.

The Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 sets out the vision for the renewal of the Macaulay Precinct as a mixed-use, mid-rise neighbourhood with a distinct inner urban character. It provides a framework for future growth and development, including built form and density, open space, street networks, affordable housing, community spaces and development contributions over the next 30 years. The Future Melbourne Committee endorsed the Macaulay Structure Plan on 9 November 2021.For more information about the Macaulay Structure Plan Refresh, please refer to Participate MelbourneOpens in new tab

Macaulay Urban Renewal Precinct Amendment C417 implements the Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 and proposes to introduce new planning controls addressing built form and density, open space, street networks, and affordable housing. Specifically, the Amendment proposes:

  • A Special Use Zone (SUZ) that encourages 20 per cent of development to be employment or other non-residential use, mandates a contribution to affordable housing across all land uses, includes ESD requirements, and manages land uses vulnerable to flooding (e.g. child care centres and nursing homes).
  • A Design and Development Overlay (DDO) schedule for each of the four Macaulay precincts with requirements for built form, including floor area ratios, building heights, street wall heights, upper level setbacks, active frontages and new connections through street blocks.
  • A new schedule to the Parking Overlay to support a reduced reliance on private cars through a maximum car parking rate of zero (with a permit required to vary), adequate provision of bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities, EV-ready spaces, car-share and accessible spaces.
  • A Development Contributions Plan Overlay implementing the Development Contributions Plan, which requires a monetary contribution from developers towards specified infrastructure.


The Future Melbourne Committee considered Amendment C417 on Tuesday 14 June 2022 and endorsed Management s recommendation to request authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit Amendment C417 and to seek approval of the proposed planning scheme on an interim basis. Learn more in the meeting agenda (PDF 14.6 MB).

A request for authorisation of Amendment C417, along with a request for interim controls via Amendment C433, were submitted to the Minister for Planning in September 2022.

On 30 May 2024, the Department of Transport and Planning, under delegation from the Minister for Planning, have authorised Amendment C417 (permanent controls) subject to conditions and refused Amendment C433 (interim controls).

The City of Melbourne is currently working through the conditions of authorisation and anticipates exhibiting Amendment C417 in July/August 2024, at which point affected owners, occupiers and stakeholders will be notified and invited to make submissions on the proposed controls.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.