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Amendment C190 Macaulay

The approval by the Minister for Planning of Amendment C190 (Part 1)  was gazetted on Monday 23 October 2017 and of Amendment C190 (Part 2) on Thursday 5 July 2018.

In conjunction with the approval of Amendment C190 (Part 1), Ministerial Amendment C295, which introduced an interim Development Contributions Plan Overlay over the area affected by Amendment C190 (parts 1 and 2), was approved and gazetted, under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. See Amendment C295 for more information.

Cropped map showing land affected by the amendment
Land affected by Amendment C190

​About Amendment C190

Planning Scheme Amendment C190 implements the Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan’s Stage 1 land use and development recommendations by making changes to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

In February 2012, Council adopted the Arden-Mac​aulay Structure Plan 2012. This plan provides a long term strategy for the urban renewal of the Arden-Macaulay area to develop as a dense, mixed use inner city suburb whilst protecting key industrial sites.

View map showing land affected by Amendment C190 (PDF 2.5 MB).

Planning Scheme Amendment C190 implements new land use and development controls into the Melbourne Planning Scheme as recommended within the Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan.

Land use

Amendment C190 has introduced new land use controls to:

Cropped map of C190 approved zoning
C190 approved zoning map
  • encourage residential development by rezoning much of the existing industrial area to the Mixed Use Zone. Other uses such as shops, offices, education and entertainment may be permitted.
  • encourage a new local shopping centre along Macaulay Road from the Moonee Ponds Creek to Melrose Street by rezoning the land to a commercial zone that encourages shops, restaurants, cafes.
  • encourage a new business centre on Racecourse Road near Flemington Bridge Station by rezoning the land along Racecourse Road between Boundary Road and Lambeth Street to a commercial zone that encourages offices and associated commercial uses.
  • provide a buffer between Allied Mills and new residential uses to its north and east by rezoning the area to the south of Chelmsford Street as far as Barrett Street to a commercial zone that prohibits residential uses and encourages offices and industry.

Building heights, weather protection and noise

A Design and Development Overlay (DDO63) has been introduced to:

  • allow different buildings heights in different parts of Macaulay 
  • ensure streets have a good pedestrian scale with lower building heights at the street frontage and higher parts set back from the street
  • require lower building heights near existing low rise neighbourhoods
  • require awnings over the footpath along primary streets 
  • introduce new laneways to improve walkability.

DO63 is an interim control and expired on 30 September 2019.

Design and Development Overlay 26 now applies to land being rezoned to allow residential and other sensitive uses. This will require new, refurbished or converted residential developments and other noise sensitive uses to include appropriate acoustic measures to protect residents from noise from existing industry. This will ensure that new residential uses do not undermine the viability of existing industry.

The Environmental Audit Overlay has been applied to ensure former industrial land is suitable for residential and other sensitive uses.

Following Council’s adoption of Amendment C190 at a Council meeting on Tuesday 30 August 2016, the Minister for Planning split the amendment and approved Part 1 subject to some changes. 

As recommended by VCAT and instructed by the Minister for Planning, Council gave further notice (DOC 396 KB) in July 2017 to affected owners of changes to the Shiel Street interface controls (Amendment C190, Part 2).

A panel considered the submissions lodged in relation to Amendment C190 (Part 2) on 1 and 2 February 2018 and issued its report in April 2018.

In approving Amendment (Part 2) in July 2018, the Minister considered the Panel’s report and has upheld Council’s position.

As the Amendment has been gazetted, the controls have now been included in the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

View documents relating to Amendment C190 at Planning Scheme Amendments OnlineOpens in new tab.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.