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Planning scheme amendments

The Melbourne Planning Scheme is a live document that governs the development and use of land in our municipality. It includes both state and local policies, zones and overlays. 

City skyline Yarra

The Melbourne Planning Scheme impacts everyday life and how we relate to one another. It determines where we live, how we get to work or school and what we do in our spare time. The Planning Scheme recognises valuable aspects of our city and reflects the City of Melbourne's vision for the future for its places and precincts. Planning policy and decisions are important for current and future Melburnians.

An important part of the planning system is hearing feedback from the community, businesses, landowners and developers on how changes may affect them so that interests can be taken into account and balanced. The Melbourne Planning Scheme has been informed over a long period of time. A change to the Melbourne Planning Scheme and the process for taking the proposed change forward is set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987. An amendment might be introduced to improve the operation of the scheme overall or respond to changes in a particular area and even a specific parcel of land.

A list of all current and past planning scheme amendments and their status is also available from the Department of Transport and PlanningOpens in new tab.


Amendments for approval

Amendment C278: Sunlight to Parks

Amendment C278 proposes to protect winter sunlight access to all parks across the municipality excluding the central city, Southbank, Docklands and Spring Street South.

Amendment C307: Gaming Policy

Amendment C307 (now Amendment C366) introduces revised policy to ensure that electronic gaming machines are suitably located and operated to minimise gaming related harm.

Amendment C403: North Melbourne Heritage Review

Amendment C403 (North Melbourne Heritage Permanent Controls) implements the recommendations of the North Melbourne Heritage Review March 2022 (Lovell Chen) on a permanent basis.

Amendment C405: Carlton Heritage Review and Punt Road Oval

Amendment C405 (Carlton Heritage Permanent Controls) implements the recommendations of the Carlton Heritage Review November 2021 (Lovell Chen), and includes the reinstatement of heritage protection to the Punt Road Oval.

Approved planning scheme amendments

Deliberative engagement with our community

We are committed to our strategic planning work including structure planning and planning scheme amendments being informed and shaped by our community. Planning scheme amendments are exhibited through a statutory public notice process to enable sufficient time for people to consider the amendment and make submissions. Each submission is considered by Council on its merits. We may be able to achieve common ground by varying the amendment to satisfy a submitter and if that is not possible, an independent panel will be appointed to consider both the amendment and any unresolved submissions in a public hearing which results in findings and recommendations being made to Council.

The steps involved in undertaking a planning scheme amendment as well as access to planning resources can be found in the Guide to Victoria's planning systemOpens in new tab.

View planning scheme amendments timeline:

Contact us


City Strategy Branch

City of Melbourne 
GPO Box 1603 
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone number

03 9650 1026 

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.