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Heritage shed restoration

We’ve invested $30 million to restore the market’s historic sheds, securing them as the unique backdrop of the market experience.

Inside Queen Victoria Market, people walking by vegetables.
Queen Victoria Market shed restoration logo.

The Queen Victoria Market’s open-air sheds are part of its unique character and are culturally and historically significant. However due to their age, significant conservation works are being undertaken to ensure they continue to be a part of Melbourne’s heritage long into the future. The repair, conservation and restoration of the open-air sheds is a key market renewal project, as outlined in the 2015 Master Plan.

Of the market’s 12 historic sheds, ten have already been restored over four stages since 2020. These include Sheds A, B, C, D, E, F, J, K, L and M. Sheds H and I are the last two to be restored and will re-open following the Trader Shed works.

Shed restoration works are authorised under Heritage Victoria Permit Number P318866

Bird's eye view of Queen Victoria Market stalls from Munro Library.

Project overview

  • Repair and strengthening of structural elements such as trusses  
  • Repair of timber elements  
  • Repair of verandahs  
  • Painting  
  • New insulated roofing to improve the temperature under the sheds
  • Upgrade of common area services including power and lighting  
  • Electricity and water to be relocated through service bollards.

Stage 5: Sheds H and I

In January 2023 the heritage shed restoration program moves to the final stage in Sheds H and I. Fruit, vegetable and organics traders from Sheds H and I will be temporarily relocated to Sheds C and D while restoration and new market infrastructure works occur.​

Shed history

The market’s sheds have been standing for more than 140 years with sheds A to E built in 1878 for the market’s opening. They are listed on both the National Heritage List and Victorian Heritage Register.

As Melbourne and the market have grown, the sheds have evolved with additional sections and verandahs added and numerous repairs and reroofing works undertaken. Despite considerable additions and phases of refurbishment over the years, the original form and fabric of sheds A to E remains reasonably intact.


The on-site repair, conservation and restoration of the open air sheds is a key market renewal project, as outlined in the 2015 Master Plan (PDF 13.5 MB) and supported by a recommendation in the People’s Panel Report (PDF 860 KB).

The works will be carried out across 12 sheds covering three hectares of the seven hectare market site. The conservation works and structural upgrades have been devised with as minimal impact as possible on the heritage fabric. As much as possible, all original materials will be preserved and any elements that cannot be salvaged will be replaced on a ‘like-for-like’ basis.

Through renewal of the Queen Victoria Market, we’ve committed to preserving the market's long history, restoring its heritage buildings and securing its place as a traditional open-air market. Learn more about the ways in which the renewal program will preserve the market’s​ history and heritage.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.