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Key heritage plans and documents

Find out about the key heritage reports and documents that will inform and guide the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program.

Historic black and white photo showing rows of horses and carts parked next to the market sheds.

A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) is the main guiding document for the conservation and management of a recognised heritage place. It contains the history and development of the place, describes the heritage values and associated significance and sets out the appropriate conservation policies and management approaches which should be applied to protect that significance. These provide the key reference point for the development of Heritage Impact statements, which are part of any Heritage Permit application process.

A CMP for the Queen Victoria Market was first completed in 2003 and updated in 2011. A further update has now been completed, to reflect the significant body of research and further studies which have been undertaken in recent years on both the market and the former Old Melbourne Cemetery site, and to provide guidance for the implementation of the Queen Victoria Market Renewal Program.

The revised 2017 CMP can be accessed via the link below. It includes a history of the Queen Victoria Market, a set of historic plans and overarching policies to guide heritage management at the place. The market has also been divided into 17 specific areas, with  guidance  on appropriate heritage management practices and actions specific to these areas described. (These are called Data Sheets).

It is envisaged that additional Data Sheets may be added as the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal program progresses, and that additional policies may be added over time.

The Conservation Management Plan and associated appendices are provided in separate documents:

If you have questions about the Conservation Management Plan or would like higher resolution copies of the historic plans, please contact the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal team via email: or during office hours on 03 9658 9658.

The Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal program team is in the process of preparing Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) for the former Old Melbourne Cemetery area and the surrounding precinct.

A CHMP provides an estimate of the potential impact of a proposed activity on Aboriginal cultural heritage. It outlines measures to be taken before, during and after an activity in order to management and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in the activity area. 

​As identified in the QVMPR Implementation Framework, a plan will be developed detailing art, heritage and interpretation activities and elements both during the market renewal program and as a lasting element within the market precinct afterwards.

The document will be informed by commitments identified in the QVMPR Master Plan, and other relevant City of Melbourne strategies (including Arts, Heritage and the Indigenous Action Plan) input from the community and ongoing conversations with Traditional Owners.​

The following report was commissioned by the City of Melbourne in 2013 to assist with understanding the history of the Queen Victoria Market site. It contains historical information about the history and development of the Old Melbourne Cemetery, which may be of interest to the general community.

More inform​ation

If you have questions about these documents or any other matters relating to the heritage of the market, please contact the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal team.

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.