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Construction management plans

As a builder or developer, you must carefully manage works you plan in the municipality. This includes excavation, demolition and construction.

Shot of building from the ground up

If you want to do these types of works, you must submit a Construction Management Plan (CMP).

Who must submit a CMP

You, as the builder, principal contractor or works manager, lead all project activity. This includes activities undertaken by subcontractors. 

You must submit a CMP if your works: 

  • will take four weeks or longer and could disrupt road users 
  • involve excavation where land will be lower than the roadway or footpath 
  • include demolition that requires public space or could impact public safety. 

You must also submit a CMP if: 

  • we tell you in writing to do so 
  • your planning permit requires it. 

You don’t need a CMP if directed to create an exclusion zone for emergency works. 

Prepare your CMP

Compliance with the Code of Practice

The works you are planning must comply with the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works

Your CMP must address each stage of building works that applies to the project. That’s demolition, excavation and construction. 

When you submit your CMP, we will check that all aspects comply with the Code. 

The Code outlines requirements and recommendations for: 

  • public safety, amenity and site security 
  • permitted hours of building work 
  • noise and vibration controls 
  • air and dust management 
  • stormwater and sediment control 
  • waste and materials reuse. 

Read the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works

Traffic management

If you will use public space for your works, you must prepare a Construction Traffic Impact Assessment (CTIA). 

This used to be called a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP). 

Read more about CTIAs and Traffic Management Plan (TMP) requirements.  

Supporting documents

You must submit details of all works activities related to your CMP, as well any prior approvals including Regulation 116 approvals for protection works that have been obtained from the City of Melbourne as part of the building permit process.  

You must give details of any building or construction parking permit you have. 

You must tell us about works activities involving: 

  • hoardings, gantries or scaffolds 
  • skips, bins and containers 
  • occupation of space
  • consent for works 
  • work out of hours. 

You will need to provide other details depending on your application. 

This could include documentation related to dust, noise, drainage or other site-specific issues. 

To find out more read the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works

CMP application templates

You can choose to use the application templates to prepare your CMP. 

The templates list the details and supporting documents you must submit. 

If you can’t comply with the Code

In limited circumstances you may not be able to comply with a specific requirement of the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works

We will consider alternative designs or proposals only if you can show construction or site constraints. 

The alternative designs or proposals must meet the objectives of the Code. 

Alternatives will need extra assessment. It will likely take longer to approve your CMP. 

Get advice before you submit

You can book a meeting with usOpens in new tab to discuss your CMP application. 

Your application fee includes up to an hour of consultation time. 

If your meeting with us takes more than an hour, you may be charged a fee. The fee is $160.10 for each additional hour. 

Submit your CMP 

To submit your CMP you must apply online for Construction Management Plan approval. To start an application, you'll need to log in with your registered customer account. Find out more about how to register and log in.

You will need to attach supporting documents as part of your application.

Apply for Construction Management Plan approval


After you submit

After you submit your CMP you will receive a confirmation email. This email will include information on how to pay the fee. Your application will be assessed after you pay. 

Your works must be carried out in accordance with the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works

You may have to follow other approval, permit or consent conditions. 

Links to related permits

Your approved CMP will relate to all permit applications associated with your project. 

This will allow pre-filling of data when you apply for permits. 

It will also ensure your permits conform with the approved CMP.

Fees and payments

The fee you must pay is based on the height of your project in storeys. The fee includes an hour of meeting time with us. 

Refer to Building - Schedule of Fees. 

Security payments (bonds) 

You may also need to provide a security payment. Read about the asset protection levy and security payments

Why we ask you to apply online

A standardised online process helps ensure all CMPs are complete, accurate and relevant. It will enable us to make timely assessments and streamline administration. 

If you need help with your application, email or call 03 9658 9658, or see Permit support for FAQs and guides on using the online system.

Application FAQs and guidelines - Construction management plans

The requirements in the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works are intended to protect the public and our property around sites where works are occurring. 

Safety and amenity are our primary focus in regulating the use of public space around worksites, and the Code provides clear guidelines to be consistently applied across the municipality of Melbourne. 

All our requirements for public safety and amenity within the Code are to: 

  • Assist applicants to compile quality permit applications that can be assessed faster, without us having to request further information.
  • Ensure those undertaking works in and around public space understand our requirements and their obligations.

Precautions must be taken to minimise the danger, risk and disruption posed by construction activity, especially where works are occurring adjacent to public areas, require the occupation of public spaces (such as footpaths or roads) or will have an impact on local traffic conditions. 

The additional questions being asked during the application process will ensure that applications can be assessed faster, without the need for us to request further information. 

Because our city streetscape is constantly changing, you’re now required to add dates for a CMP approval. This is to ensure the streetscape is accurately reflected in your CMP and remains the best way for you to complete construction. You will not be charged to extend your CMP expiry date.

Once you’ve logged in to City of Melbourne ServicesOpens in new tab, click on the Apply for a permit dropdown in the main menu and select Apply for CMP approval. Complete the details at each step as follows:

Location of works

  1. Enter the location of works in the Site address field.
  2. Select the Address.
  3. Click Next to continue. 

Contact and project details

  1. Complete the application details.
  2. Under Permit details, select your proposed permit period start/end dates and times in the relevant fields. 
  3. Click Next to continue. 

Works plan

  1. Select the relevant stages of works that your project involves: demolition, excavation or construction. 
  2. Select the indicative start dates and duration
  3. Enter a description of this stage of works in the text box.
  4. Select the principal contractor for this stage of the works. 
  5. Repeat for each stage of works. 
  6. Click Next to continue. 

1. Once you’ve logged into City of Melbourne ServicesOpens in new tab, navigate to the My permits page.

My permits page

2. Select the CMP that you want to extend

3. The screen showing the CMP details will display. Click on the arrow at the top right corner of the screen, and select Extend Permit

Extend permit

4. Enter the Extension dates and click Next

Extension dates

5. Review the dates that you have entered, and click Submit


6. A confirmation screen will be displayed



You are expected to plan your works to comply with the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works (the Code). 

You will be asked during your application if your proposal will comply with the Code. 

If you are unable to comply with all requirements, you must advise us about the non-compliance in your application. You’ll need to advise why you can't comply and detail what you propose to do to meet our objectives. This is called a request for exception. 

Requests for exception require a demonstrated reason that a requirement cannot be met.

Exception approval is at our absolute discretion. An exception is only approved if explicitly stated in the conditions of your permit. 

​As you will be submitting your CMP approval application online, fees must be paid at the time of lodgement.

Because our city's streetscape is constantly changing, you’re now required to add dates for a CMP approval. 

This is to ensure the streetscape is accurately reflected in your CMP, so it remains the best way for you to complete construction. 

You will not be charged to extend your CMP expiry date. 

To share your approved CMP or other permits, you will need to be logged in to your City of Melbourne ServicesOpens in new tab account. 

Once logged into the system, you will need to: 

1. Click on My permits from the toolbar, then select My permits from the dropdown.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

2. Click on the relevant Name of the permit you are wanting to share. 

3. You will be redirected to a new screen. From this screen, click on the arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the page and select Share permit

Share permit drop down

4. A new window will display. Enter the details of the person you want to share the permit with and click Share

Screen shot of form

Contact us

Contact us for more information

Site Services

Tel: 03 9658 9658

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.