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Manage stakeholders impacted by your works

Stakeholders are people or organisations who are likely to be affected by your works. They include property owners and occupiers, businesses, emergency services, and other authorities and agencies (such as public transport operators).

Stakeholders can be affected by: 

  • changes to access, traffic or parking conditions 
  • noise related to works activities 
  • temporary disruptions to water, power, gas, or waste collection 
  • changes to footpaths, especially for those with mobility aids or vision impairment 
  • temporary structures obstructing the view of a business or restricting natural light.

If your work could impact access or amenity to a property, or will occur out of hours, you must notify stakeholders in writing. 

If your works are long-term or could severely disrupt access to a property, you must consult with affected stakeholders. You should do this in person. 

This includes works that require a Construction Management Plan (CMP) or a construction traffic impact assessment (CTIA). 

View key stakeholder contact details in the tables below.

Your communications should consider culturally and linguistically diverse communities and people with specific needs. 

This includes for verbal or written communication. You should: 

  • use familiar, plain English words 
  • avoid using jargon, acronyms or technical language
  • use straightforward phrases, sentences and ideas 
  • prioritise your information in order of importance 
  • use symbols, diagrams or images as an aid 
  • use translated information where possible. 

You must notify stakeholders in writing before you commence works or implement any traffic control measures if: 

  • Your works will impact the access to or amenity of any property. 
  • You propose closure of the roadway. 
  • You plan to conduct out of hours work, even on private land. 

Impacts to amenity 

Examples of impacts to amenity include: 

  • temporary closure of a length of the roadway or footpath 
  • noise from plant and equipment 
  • additional heavy vehicle movements 
  • significant loss of on-road public parking 
  • activities that reduce the visibility of a business. 

Impacts to access, including road and footpath closure 

If you need to close a road, you must notify emergency services (fire, police and ambulance). 

You must do this before starting works or implementing traffic control measures. 

If closing a road or footpath impacts access to any property, you must notify the occupiers and any affected stakeholder agencies. 

Work out of hours 

For out of hours works, you should distribute the notification to the occupiers of all properties within 50 m of any site boundary. 

You must consult with stakeholders before you apply for a permit for any works that: 

  • need a CMP or CTIA
  • will last four weeks or more 
  • could severely disrupt access 

Disrupted access could be to or from a property, business or service. This is regardless of duration. 

You should consult stakeholders in person, particularly for impacted businesses. 

You must provide written advice detailing: 

  • proposed works 
  • traffic management measures 
  • expected impacts 
  • impacted locations 
  • dates and duration
  • hours of operation. 

When consulting stakeholders, you must: 

  • Request feedback with a due date, allowing at least 14 days for public submissions. 
  • Provide a contact name, telephone number or email address for enquiries.
  • Provide a means for stakeholders to opt-in to future notifications and updates.
  • Record the names and property addresses of all respondents, together with any objections or concerns (raised in person or by submission). 

CMP consultation

For works requiring a CMP, you must give regular updates to the occupiers of all properties within 50 m of any site boundary.

After you consult stakeholders

You must collate feedback and amend your plans. 

You should incorporate stakeholder requirements wherever possible. 

Your notification must include the dates, times and durations of any disruptions. These may be different for individual impacts, such as noise or traffic disruption.

It must include: 

  • indication of the impacted area on a highlighted map 
  • a description of the works and any key traffic management measures 
  • the expected impact of the works and the local stakeholders who could be affected 

any property access considerations and alternative access arrangements. 

Contact details 

Your notification must include the following contact details: 

  • the project supervisor’s name with an all-hours telephone number 
  • the traffic management provider’s name with an all-hours telephone number 
  • a means for opting into or out of future notifications and updates regarding the project. 

Notification letter

You can use our notification letter template (DOC 350 KB) to create your notification letter.

You must deliver your notification at least five days before works commence. 

This includes notifying occupiers of residential properties, business operators, including street traders, and local organisations. 

You must deliver your notification to stakeholder agencies at least 10 days before you implement traffic management measures. 

Where additional approvals for works or traffic management may be required you must notify all relevant emergency services and authorities as early as possible. 

You can use our distribution map stakeholder notification template (DOC 583 KB).Opens in new tab 

At the time you commence work or implement your traffic management measures, you must affix notices. 

They must be visible to the public outside the worksite and on each segment of road affected by traffic management. 

Your notice must list: 

  • the project name 
  • when bicycles and pedestrians will be impacted 
  • when works will occur out of hours 
  • the project supervisor’s name with an all-hours telephone number 
  • the traffic manager’s name with an all-hours telephone number. 

You can use our works notice template (DOC 80 KB) to create your notice.

If you don’t consult or notify stakeholders

If you fail to appropriately consult with relevant stakeholders, your application may be unsuccessful or delayed. 

We may amend or cancel your permit or consent if too many complaints are received. 

Complaints about your works activity

You must have a process in place to handle complaints about your works activity. 

You must ensure complainants receive a response from you within 72 hours. We may ask you to supply us with copies of your records of complaints received and actions taken.

Stakeholder contact details

All works

For all works occurring within the municipality.

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
City of Melbourne, Events Melbourne03 9658 9658
7 days


​For works that may impact public trees and green infrastructure, in-ground parking sensors or access to compactors and bins.

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
City of Melbourne, Urban Forest and Ecology03 9658 9658 
7 days (for pre-works inspection)
City of Melbourne, Parking Services03 9658 96587 days (to arrange sensor removal)
City of Melbourne, Waste Standards03 9658 9658
7 days min. notice to the Waste Standards Team. Businesses, residents and waste companies who store waste bins within the central city require 5 days’ notice to ensure access and servicing can be maintained
Serco, works in grassed areas, parkland and nature strips03 8417 97002 days (48 hours)
Citywide - lockable bollards, Penny Pananis0438 145 133 required (costs apply)

Emergency services and critical infrastructure

For works that may impact emergency response times, access to boosters or hydrants in buildings or to critical infrastructure (for example, hospitals or aged care).

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
Victoria Police03 9247 5714
1 day (24 hours)
Fire Rescue Victoria1300 811 639 
1 day (24 hours)
Ambulance Victoria03 9090 5901
1 day (24 hours)

Major projects

For works that may impact works and traffic management associated with state major infrastructure projects.

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
Office of Projects VictoriaOpens in new required
Metro Tunnel Early Works, John Holland required
Metro Tunnel, Cross Yarra required

Precincts and venues

For works that may impact access to large venues, stadiums, and key business, sports and entertainment precincts.

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
Southern Cross Station - access to footpaths and station03 9619 1699
Contact Public Transport VictoriaOpens in new tab
2 days (48 hours)
Ikon ParkOpens in new tab (Princes Park) - Royal Pde and Elizabeth St03 9387 1400
2 days (48 hours), no works on event days
​Marvel Stadi​um - Spencer St, Wurundjeri Wy03 8625 7700
2 days (48 hours), no works on event days
Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)Opens in new tab - Flinders St, Brunton Av, Punt Rd03 9657 8881
2 days (48 hours), no works on event days
Melbourne and Olympic Parks and arenasOpens in new tab03 9286 1600
2 days (48 hours), no works on event days
Festival HallOpens in new tab - Rosslyn St, Dudley St03 ​9329 9699
Consultation required (no works within 2 hours of events)
​Precinct business associationsOpens in new tab (including Carlton, Collins Street, Greek precinct city centre, Docklands and others) ​See contacts for each precinct business associationOpens in new tabConsultation required
City of Melbourne - Council House 1 and 2 (Little Collins St, Royal Ln)03 9658 9658Consultation required
​City of Moonee ValleyOpens in new tab - Langs Rd, Racecourse Rd, Epsom Rd03 ​9243 8888
​Refer to stakeholder

Roads and transport

​For works impacting public transport assets or services, freeways, arterial roads, toll roads, bicycle routes, carshare services and major traffic control items.

StakeholderContact detailsAdvance notice and conditions
VicRoadsOpens in new tab - works on freeways and arterial roads03 9313 11437 days (consent may be required)
VicRoadsOpens in new tab - works involving major traffic control items​​Refer to stakeholder
VicTrackOpens in new tab - train or tram tracks, overheads, substations or stops03 ​9619 8850
7 days min. notice (consent may be required)
​Yarra TramsOpens in new tab - tram tracks, overheads, substations or stops03 9619 2324
7 days min. notice (consent may be required)
Linkt (Citylink) - works on Exhibition St or Batman Av03 8656 8680
7 days min. notice (consent may be required)
Bicycle Network VictoriaOpens in new tab - works affecting bicycle routes and lanes03 8376 8888
​Refer to stakeholder
Public Transport VictoriaOpens in new tab - works affecting transport servicesSee transport operator contact detailsOpens in new tab​Written operator approval required
City of Melbourne - works affecting car share operators​See car share operator contact details​Written operator approval required

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.