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Building and works approval process

The building and works approval process can be divided into three phases: planning and pre-construction, works, and completion. Construction mostly takes place in the works phase.

A birds-eye view over city at sunset

Planning, building and pre-construction

Depending on your proposal, you will need to follow at least some steps in the planning and pre-construction process. Find out about each step below.

Get a planning permit

You must get a planning permit if you plan to:

  • change the use of or develop private land
  • install or modify a vehicle crossing on a major road or in a heritage area.

Get a building permit

Get a report and consent

Your building surveyor will tell you if you must get the approval called report and consent.

This approval relates to public precautions. It is also known as a Regulation 116 approval. 

Read more about public precautions, report and consent.

Get a building permit

When you are ready to do building or construction works, you must get a building permit. To get a building permit, you must appoint a building surveyor. Read more about appointing a building surveyorOpens in new tab.

Consult with stakeholders

You must consult with stakeholders if your works:

  • will take more than four weeks
  • could disrupt access to any property, business or service.

Read more about managing stakeholders impacted by your works.

Prepare a Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

If your works may affect road users, you will need to manage it. Road users include pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicle users.

You may need to prepare a Construction Traffic Impact Assessment (CTIA) as part of a Traffic Management Plan (TMP). To find out more read about Traffic Management Plans.

Prepare a Construction Management Plan (CMP)

You must prepare a Construction Management Plan (CMP) if your works:

  • will take four weeks or longer and could disrupt road users
  • involve excavation where land will be lower than the roadway or footpath
  • include demolition that requires public space or could impact public safety.

You must also submit a CMP if:

  • we tell you in writing to do so
  • your planning permit requires it. 

Find out how to prepare a Construction Management Plan.

Get approval from third parties

Your works may need approval from other parties or agencies. These include:

  • emergency services
  • public transport operators
  • utility providers
  • adjacent properties.

Provide a security payment

You will be asked to provide security if your works could impact our assets.

We will tell you what to do if you need to make a security payment. Read more about the asset protection levy and securities (bonds).


Depending on your works, you will need to follow at least some of the steps in the works process as outlined below.

If you need a planning permit, you must get this before a building permit.

Notify stakeholders

You must notify stakeholders in writing if your work could:

  • impact access or amenity to a property
  • will occur outside normal hours

You must list and map affected stakeholders, and you must notify them of your activities in writing. Read more about managing stakeholders impacted by your works.

Get permits for work activities

You will need to get approval for any works activity you do in public space.

Read about permits or approval to:

Update stakeholders

If you need to notify stakeholders, they may need an update on your works.

You should give an update if any part of the scope of works changes. This could include if dates, times or the area affected changes.

You should also provide regular updates on the progress of large or long-term projects. Read more about managing stakeholders impacted by your works.

Arrange to relocate assets in the road

You may need to relocate assets such as street furniture to allow for works.

You'll need to arrange this directly with the asset owner. The owner may be City of Melbourne or a third party.

Conduct works

You must follow the conditions of your permits and approvals when you conduct works. Your works must comply with the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works.

Arrange reinstatement

You must reinstate works areas according to the conditions of your permit and the Code of Practice for Building, Construction and Works.


Depending on your works, you may need to submit the following:

  • occupancy permit
  • certificate of final inspection
  • notification of completed works

If your project required a CMP, you must get a certificate of final inspection.

For small works that required a single permit, you don’t need a certificate of final inspection. You must submit a formal notification of completed works if your project required consent for works (road works).

After you get the certificate of final inspection, you can request the release of your security payment. Read more about the asset protection levy and securities (bonds).

our acknowledgement

  • Torres Strait Islander Flag
  • Aboriginal People Flag

The City of Melbourne respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land we govern, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung and Bunurong / Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin and pays respect to their Elders past and present. 


We acknowledge and honour the unbroken spiritual, cultural and political connection they have maintained to this unique place for more than 2000 generations.

We accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and are committed to walking together to build a better future.