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                    Amendment C274 RMIT University Advertising Sign Controls

                    Planning Scheme Amendment C274 RMIT University Advertising Sign Controls, seeks to change the advertising signage planning controls that apply to the western part of the RMIT University campus at 100-186 La Trobe Street, Melbourne.

                    The site is occupied by University buildings and is zoned Public Use Zone 2 – Education. Under Clause 52.05 (Advertising Signs) of the Planning Scheme, all land located in a Public Use Zone has a ‘Category 4 – Sensitive Areas’ signage control which allows unobtrusive signs in areas requiring strong amenity control.  

                    This Amendment seeks to revise the Schedule to the Public Use Zone so that ‘Category 2 – Office and Industrial’ signage controls apply to the site. ‘Category 4’ controls will continue to apply to the remainder of the campus.

                    ‘Category 2’ controls are designed for office and industrial areas and have less restrictive requirements on signage.

                    The University has requested the Amendment so that it is able to identify its campus in keeping with its role as an international institution.

                    Street plan view for amendment C274

                    Current status

                    The Minister for Planning has authorised Amendment C274. The Amendment will be on public exhibition and open for submissions from 25 May 2017 until 29 June 2017. Please see the following section for more details.  

                    Public consultation

                    Consultation on proposed planning scheme changes is an important part of the planning scheme amendment process and written submissions are now invited.

                    Anyone who is affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the City of Melbourne about the Amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. 

                    Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify submitters of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. 

                    The closing date for submissions is Thursday 29 June 2017. A submission must either be sent via email to or posted to:

                    Team Leader – Planning Policy
                    City of Melbourne
                    GPO Box 1603
                    MELBOURNE VIC  3001

                    The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect free of charge for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses.

                    Next steps

                    Following the exhibition period, Council will review Amendment C274 in the light of any submissions received. Those who have made a submission will have an opportunity to be heard by an independent panel appointed by the Minister for Planning, and the panel will consider all submissions. 

                    Council will then consider the panel’s recommendations, review the Amendment and decide whether or not to adopt it. If adopted, it will be forwarded to the Minister for Planning for approval.

                    C274 planning process diagram

                    Amendment documents

                    Amendment Documents

                    Explanatory Report

                    Amendment C274 explanatory report (PDF 170 KB) 

                    This statutory document contains information about why Council prepared the amendment, and what the amendment does.

                    Schedule to Clause 36.01 – Public Use Zone

                    Amendment C274 - public use zones (PDF 124 KB) 

                    In the Planning Scheme, schedules are a means of including local content in the planning scheme and can be used to fine tune the basic provisions of a State standard zone.

                    Instruction Sheet 

                    Amendment C274 - instruction sheet (PDF 12 KB) 

                    List of technical changes to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

                    Gazette notice

                    Gazette Notice 

                    Amendment C274 - gazette notice (PDF 111 KB) 

                    This is the formal Notice of Amendment which must be made publically available under Section 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This provides you with directions on where you can view the Amendment and how to make a submission. 

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