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                    i-Heritage database search results

                    Search results for the i-Heritage database.


                    Your search returned 6931 results. Click on the building address or the property image for further information.
                    10 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON1 of 6931
                    Building Name10 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    12 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON2 of 6931
                    Building Name12 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    14 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON3 of 6931
                    Building Name14 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    16 to 18 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON4 of 6931
                    Building Name16 to 18 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    20 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON5 of 6931
                    Building Name20 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    22 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON6 of 6931
                    Building Name22 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    24 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON7 of 6931
                    Building Name24 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    26 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH CARLTON8 of 6931
                    Building Name26 ARGYLE PLACE NORTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    17 to 21 ARGYLE PLACE SOUTH CARLTON9 of 6931
                    Building Name17 to 21 ARGYLE PLACE SOUTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted
                    Adjacent 2 ARGYLE PLACE SOUTH CARLTON10 of 6931
                    Building NameCarlton Neighbourhood OfficeAdjacent 2 ARGYLE PLACE SOUTH
                    Precinct NameCarlton Heritage Precinct
                    Conservation StudyCarlton Conservation Study - Nigel Lewis and Associates, 1984
                    Heritage StatusAdopted

                    Page 1 of 694

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